Kids Login

Parent Information

Parent Access

Want a better way to involve parents in their student's education? Now you can provide parent access.

  1. 1 Send Home Information

    Send a letter to parents that explains how to log in from home through the Kids A-Z interactive learning environment. The letter also explains how parents can monitor their student's activity. Letters can be downloaded for the class either as a single pdf file, or as a zip file containing individual pdf files for each student.

    Login above to download the letter to parents.

  2. 2 Provide Parents Access

    You'll only need an email address to sign up parents from the Roster page.

    1. Find the student on your roster
    2. Click the edit icon
    3. Click "Parent Access"
    4. Add parent's email address

    Parents can also request access

    If a parent requests access from their student's account, a red icon appears next to the student's name on the Roster page. Click the icon to approve parent access.

Parents can check their child's reading and activity progress!

Parent Login

Parent Access

Use the Parent Portal to see which books and activities your child has completed, monitor their progress, and send them messages.

Parents Can Register

Log into Kids A-Z as your child to request access. Click the "Parents" link at the top right of the page and follow the instructions to provide an email address. Your child’s teacher will need to approve the email address before you can see your child's information.