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Resources to Teach Kids Letter and Word Recognition
Emergent Writing Alphabet Resources support letter and word recognition
with letter cards, letter-plus-picture cards, and handwriting sheets. Students
can use these resources to practice letter formation and letter-sound
correspondences used when writing. Resources are provided in both
Print style and Slant Print style formats.
Being able to recognize and name the letters of the alphabet is an important early
writing step. Understanding how sounds map to letters, and how those sounds develop
words, help students learn how to write and supports their reading growth as well.
Alphabet Resources provide opportunities for students to write uppercase and lowercase
letters and to explore the relationships between sounds and letters, paving the way for
successful writing and reading.
Students use letter cards and picture prompts to learn to identify, name, sound out, and write the letters of the alphabet
Ruled exercise sheets for each letter of the alphabet provide practice in uppercase and lowercase letter formation
How to Use Alphabet
Games and activities provide practice for letter and word recognition and word building so
that students begin to recognize that combinations of straight lines, curved lines, circles,
and dots make up letters; that combinations of letters make up words, and that words
are used to create sentences in pieces of writing.
Alphabet Cards, Letter Tiles
Letter-Picture Match and Write: Hand out a letter tile, picture card, or alphabet card to each student. Write a letter on the board. The student whose picture begins with the letter or who has a matching letter tile or alphabet card stands up. That student says the letter, the word that corresponds to the picture, or both as appropriate to their card, with you emphasizing the correct answer and having the class echo what you've said. When students sit back down, they write or trace the letter on their card.
Flash and Find: Pass out a set of picture cards to each student. Flash each letter tile and have students find the picture card that matches and write the letter below the picture. Use alphabet cards instead of picture cards and have students trace the letters as an alternative.
Word Building: Pair students and provide each pair with a set of letter tiles to create CVC words. Set a timer for one minute. Have each pair of students quickly write down as many words as they can make with their letter tiles.
Alphabet Sheet
Give students the alphabet sheet to place near where they write most often as an easy reference tool for letter/sound correspondences and letter formation. Alternatively enlarge the sheet to poster size and place it in your classroom where students can easily see it.
Teach letter formation by having students write each letter of the alphabet. Introduce students to our lined handwriting sheets, which include uppercase and lowercase letter practice along with practice with at least two words that contain the letter.
Showing of resources
Alphabet Cards
individual letter cards with picture prompts to use to practice writing alphabet letters and learn letter/sound correspondences to write words
entire alphabet with picture prompts for each letter on a single page for students to use as a reference for letter/sound correspondences and letter formation when writing